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How to Maintain Your Asphalt Shingle Roof in Ferndale, Michigan, for Optimal Longevity

How to Maintain Your Asphalt Shingle Roof in Ferndale, Michigan, for Optimal Longevity

Regular roof maintenance in Ferndale, Michigan, ensures your home’s safety and longevity. A well-maintained asphalt shingle roof adds aesthetic value to your home and shields it from adverse weather conditions. Ignoring routine inspections can lead to minor issues escalating into significant problems, potentially causing structural damage, higher repair costs, and mold growth. 

Common Roofing Issues in Ferndale and How to Address Them

Common Roofing Issues in Ferndale and How to Address Them

With unique climate and environmental conditions, our area presents specific challenges for homeowners regarding roofing issues. Understanding these problems is the first step towards maintaining and preserving your home’s primary defense against the elements, which is the roof of your Ferndale home. 

The Facts About Ice Dams

Ice dams can damage gutters

What Are Ice Dams? Ice dams are formed when heat from the inside of a home escapes into the attic and warms the roof decking during the winter. This heat, combined with heat from the sun, can melt snow on the roof. Melting snow on the upper roof and in the valleys then runs down […]

Roof Algae Removal

Roof Algae

In southeast Michigan, blue-green algae can sometimes appear on the outside of your roof shingles. The best way to approach this is to use a highly basic chemical solution, such as zinc sulfate. When people see moss on their roof, they may not be aware that it will damage their roof and even will promote […]

How Summer Weather Can Ruin Your Roof

Extreme heat can cause damage to roofing materials

Here in the Detroit area, this summer has been chock full of weather that most would consider extreme. Rainfall, high winds, hot temperatures and sweltering humidity abound. This extreme heat we’re living through now is the summertime equivalent to the massive snowstorm we encounter in the winter. Did you know your roof is being tested […]

Home Maintenance Summer Checklist

Dirty roof

Summer has arrived and the sun is beating down on us here in Michigan. The sun damages roofs more than you’d imagine. As we have mentioned in the past, your roof protects one of your biggest assets, your home. There are a few reminders below of items to keep an eye on this summer. If […]

10 Tips to consider for your next roofing project

New shingle roof

Beautiful weather is here and everyone seems to be outside enjoying it lately. We, here at Pro Home Improvement, are busy working on hundreds of roofing projects all across southeast Michigan, so we love this weather as well. Since roofing project season is in full swing, we wanted to bring you some reminders and tips […]

The Danger of Snow on Roofs

Snow covered street

This is the Michigan winter we were all expecting – snow has arrived. This is great news for snowmobilers, skiers and ice fishers. But, the rest of us might be grumbling a little bit while cleaning off our windshield in the morning and suffering through our morning commute. Snow accumulations also has an effect on […]

Fall Roofing Maintenance – 3 Tips to Inspect Your Roof

autumn lake

Autumn is here, as you can tell by the brilliant colors and brisk temperatures. If you have an asphalt roof, this is the perfect time to perform a check-up on your roof. It’s much better to find and fix small issues now before they become big, expensive problems during the upcoming winter season. For most, […]