Could you use some extra cash in your pocket? Who couldn’t?

With all of your plans for your home, family, trips and upcoming purchases this summer, any one of us could use some extra cash.

I’m listening.

Pro Home Improvement offers a $100 referral bonus for anyone that you send our way that ends up using our services. Yes, that means $1000 cash in hand with 10 people that you send our way that end up hiring us.

Wouldn’t an unexpected $1000 be nice?

Sounds cool, but I’m not going to pester my friends to buy a roof…

We don’t expect you to pester or bother anyone – nobody likes that. So, we came up with a list of ideas that you could use to help nudge people that are already looking for our help, find us easier.

roll of cash

  1. Leave our sign out front. After we complete a job, you can choose to leave our sign out longer so neighbors can see our name and number. This is one of the easiest and least intrusive ways to let people see the finished product right in their own neighborhood.
  2. Hand out our cards. When a friend or family member has a roofing issue, it’s easy enough to hand them one of our cards and tell them to mention your name.
  3. Share Pro Advice on social media. We try to write helpful blog posts and create useful videos that are helpful on Facebook, Twitter and Google. If you share our posts, that means more people get to see them and possibly call us for help when they need it. When you share a post, be sure to include a comment about your experience with Pro in order to personalize the post.
  4. Mention our name. If you don’t have our card on you, no worries, just tell them to call Pro Home Improvement and be sure to mention your name to the phone representative. You can give them our number or just google it (888-776-1998).
  5. Write your own post on social media. If you don’t see a Pro Advice column you like, you can write your own Facebook post about your experience with Pro. Pictures are even better if you can include them. People love to see the finished product!
  6. Send an email. If family or friends don’t use Facebook, you can always send the same information via email to a group of homeowner family or friends. There’s no need for hard-selling, just mention that you had a good experience, had good service and would recommend them to anyone looking to get work done on their house. Easy as that.

There is no need to bother or spam anybody with a sales pitch. People will buy what they need when they are ready. All this referral program does is help encourage the sharing of your experiences with Pro Home Improvement, and get the word out that we are available to help.

If you would like to speak to someone about our referral program or need something done at your house, be sure to call us at 888-776-1998 and we can get you started.